Tuesday 9 May 2017



Our Media project is called 'Pure Skin' the movie is a psychological thriller movie about a young man finding about his past and will reveal a whole lot of mysteries along the way. We recorded the whole opening scene in one building; we thought it would be easier to do and also we wanted to keep it simple but good.

For the evaluation I used a website called 'WixSite' this website allowed me to create a blog- like type for my evaluation, it was easy and simple to use and had all the features to allow me to create my evaluation. I did have some difficulties in the beginning when i was typing, sometimes the words wouldn't show and this caused my work to be delayed as i was trying to solve the issue. After the issue was solved everything went back to normal and i went on and did the evaluation.

The link to the website where the Evaluation is: https://kadirdanny10.wixsite.com/website

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